How a Child’s Personality Develops

Posted by on Dec 12, 2012 in Blog | Comments Off on How a Child’s Personality Develops

 children-holding-hands-by-sea-thumb16576826How a Child’s Personality Develops

By understanding how a child’s personality develops, parents and caregivers can manage their roles in a way that gives the child the best possible opportunity of success in all areas.

Everything a parent or caregiver does is important and has an impact on the personality of the child, so being aware of this and using it to ‘value add’ for the child, can make a lifetime of difference for the child. Adults have the ability and responsibility to support the growth and development or be uncompromising and ridge and create trauma and stress.

We need to be Educators (through experiences) not Dictators (controlling everything).

The human intuition or instinct (for survival), is never young or old; it just becomes more experienced through life events (for better or worse as the case maybe). An infant or young child’s awareness is as keen as an adult (if not keener).

It is generally accepted that the first 7 years of life, are the years when ‘life skills’ are learned and imbedded deep in the memory banks.  Hence it is easy to understand that a child will be what they see and experience, and will model this, the best way they can.

Is it not, all they can be?

If these early experiences are traumatic, abusive or simply very ridged and controlled, the child not only perceives life as a scary and negative place, but more importantly does not get the opportunity to learn ‘self reliance’ and ‘self esteem’ through caringly supported trial and error; through making mistakes and learning from them: . A child, like an adult, will learn from what they see and experience. We can’t avoid “monkey see monkey do”!

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Our start in life is an “accident of birth’, like rolling a dice to begin a board game; not everyone gets the number six as a start!

Some children will; ‘match’ their role models and become stuck in these behaviours, believing they know almost everything (lacking awareness to think about change). Or they will ‘mismatch’ their role models, which means they will reject almost everything about the role models behaviour patterns (instead search for answers and ways to change, and can be easily influenced and insecure).

The ideal scenario is to raise a child who has enough self esteem (trust in their experiences of managing events) that they are confident in stressful situations and can actively seek answers.

They are versatile, resilient (especially in humiliating situations) and believe in their own abilities.

This is just evolutionary common sense, the ability to handle and adapt to environmental stress and change is ‘survival of the fittest’ and bio-logically inevitable.

A truly calm child needs calm parents. I have included information tools and resources for children, teenagers and adults in the program;

As with everything in life it is CAUSE and EFFECT, nothing more or less.

Contact Jennifer Now for the Child Calm Program or further information CLICK HERE


Jennifer is the mother of 6 children (3 under 3 years of age and 3 under 2 years of age) and grandmother to 5, so has considerable hands-on experience, both with what works and what doesn’t! The children include a set of twins, 5th and 6th children.

The Child Calm Program and Mentoring service was created to assist caregivers and parents implement COLLABORATIVE PARENTING, a simple concept that assumes the child is intelligent and caring.

By providing an education in life experiences, the child will grow to become a adult with self esteem, and respect; for themselves and others.

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